Federalist #3: Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence

We are on the eve of a very important election.  Much has been said about the Constitution and what is Constitutional so let’s take a few weeks and look at the foundational letters written by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay arguing for the creation of the US Constitution.  The comment tab is open.  Please share your …

Antifederalist No. 2 — We Have Been Told of Phantoms

This essay is an excerpted from a speech of William Grayson, June 11, 1788, in Jonathan Elliot (ed.), The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution……. (Philadelphia, 1876) 5 vols., III, 274-79. The adoption of this government will not meliorate our own particular system. I beg leave to consider …

FEDERALIST No. 2: Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence

We are on the eve of a very important election.  Much has been said about the Constitution and what is Constitutional so let’s take a few weeks and look at the foundational letters written by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay arguing for the creation of the US Constitution.  The comment tab is open.  Please share your …